October 14, 2013 Aborlan, Palawan
Hello lahat mga tao! (all people)
While it doesn't really make any sense, my title for this
email could be an actual conversation in Tagalog. It could mean,
"Will you
go down?"
"Yes, I will go down."
Tagalog is getting more and
more fun for me. It's nowhere near next to perfect, but what I am understanding
is pretty fun. I actually made a joke yesterday! The other day, somebody
commented that I had an accent, and I said "No, because of my hair."
And they all laughed. And frankly, me and Elder Hart always switch between
Tagalog and English in our conversations just because it's a lot of fun. Twice
the flavor! When I went on an exchange with Elder Delorino, I was once again forced
to use Tagalog in my every-day speech. It wasn't bad, because he obviously
knows what I'm going through and wishes to help me. Unfortunately, I wasn't
able to go with Elder Balonsong this week, but I will next week.
This is where we
watched conference. It was in English, but they had another TV going on on the
other side of the church in Tagalog.
In case you were curious, yes, I'm going to say it: General
Conference was the best! Gaah! I can't imagine how anybody would not want to go
to all the sessions! You should see how many notes I took. I was surprised how
much they talked about the role of women, and the healing power of the
atonement. And 80,333 missionaries?! Phew, that's crazy! I'm glad I am a part
of making that number as big as it is.
Going to General Conference is just the same as it is in
America; All of the high priests fall asleep in the middle of the priesthood
session. The high priests aren’t the only ones to fall asleep!
I got to know them a little better over conference weekend, as they were able to attend all the sessions. They're nice and know basically everybody we try to meet, so they're an invaluable guide for us during ward council, which they are both a part of.
This is Elder Merrill, from Bountiful. I'll be taking him on an exchange in our area at the end of this month!
Elder Hart and I went on an unofficial exchange this week with the zone leaders to give some baptismal interviews! I am pleased to announce that my first baptism for Sister Decila Corpuz will be this Saturday! She overcame her problems and is ready to be baptized. On top of that, her brother-in-law, is now becoming an active member in church! He attended two of the sessions in General Conference! I can see that they are coming closer as a family because of the gospel.
After our interviews and before zone conference, we got to
have some well-needed down time with the Gwilliam couple! They had an enormous
house (by Philippine standards) and fed us pancakes which were too delicious.
In the second picture is Elder Hart’s method to combat them,
and in the third is the result: the bugs simply fly into the water! We had to do it three times, with just as many bugs flying into the bucket. It was hard to hold the bucket when the bugs would always fly in your face and arms.
Good thing I went to wipe out my shoe before I put it on!
They say this guy is pretty dangerous. Apparently, his breed
has stung a previous missionary.
Because of my sweet parents, we got some popcorn! But because
we didn't have a microwave, we initially put it into a toaster oven, but we
knew it wasn't a good idea as soon as I turned it on.
This is the church piano. Despite its inconsistencies and
faults, I have grown to love every moment with it.
Ok, this is a picture from the outside of the mission home. I may have sent it already, but if not, here it is. The capsule is an elevator! I thought it was pretty futuristic, so it was worth a picture.
I love writing here, because it sets my mind back on what
I've accomplished this week, and think about some things that I could improve
on in what I did. But is anybody actually reading this? I feel like I'm talking
to a wall! Obviously, I'll continue to write in this for the rest of my
mission, but if I could get some feedback, that'd be pretty wonderful. What do
you or don't you like? What do you want more of? The more the merrier!
Oh yeah, and the church is true. I know it.
Elder Thurber
I read this blog every week and I love it! Keep it up!